The Nature of Corruption

Written by Slade

'Listen,' you say in what you hope is a calm and reasoning tone. 'You've already killed someone today. Do you really want to do that again? I'm putting my gun on the floor.'

You do so, placing it calmly on the ground, before kicking it towards him. Anthony calmly reaches over to grab it; you blink to get the moisture out of your eyes, and reopen them at another gunshot.

A wisp of smoke comes from Kyle's gun; he holds it firmly between two shaking hands, his finger still pressing against the trigger. You scoop up your gun, before turning to him.

'Stay back,' he mumbles. 'I'm leaving this place, and if I see you again, I call the cops. Your not gonna stop me. Your going to let me go.' His hand is visibly shaking.

This interactive story was written at Story Explorer

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